Uploaded by the author, !Wldclk is a world timepiece utility for Windows that displays your preferred colorful map of the world and tells the time for any specific location or time zone, relative to your selected "home" time zone, while taking into consideration whether the remote location is currently observing Daylight Savings Time.
A handy business utility, as well as an educational tool for teaching children about Time Zone relationships. Major cities with current date/time, are scrolled in a Ticker Time Bar - updated every minute and may be toggled On/Off. Load a new Font, Font Size and Color for the Ticker Time Bar or Map Clocks. The Title Bar contains your local Day/Date/Time - updated every second. The Map clocks provide a quick-glance time reference for your selected cities around the world and are updated to the minute. Double click on the map for the current time in any of the 24 Time Zones.
Save the Cost of repetitively returning long distance telephone calls with the Area/Country Code Finder command. Make sure you get a hold of that person during "their" business hours, let alone "their" waking hours. "Search" for the time-of day by areacode (North America), country international telephone code, city, state, province, or country with the Area/Country Code Finder command.
The Ticker Time Bar, Map Clocks, and Area/Country Code Finder handle Daylight Savings Time "on the fly", so you can be sure